Posts Tagged ‘White’

Some people drink a little too much from the Hitler Kool-Aid

December 10, 2009

The Aryan Nations claim that Jews are children of Satan. Below are some pictures they use to show Jews aren’t white, or can’t be considered white –

Canaanite Relief, Notice the Nose  


Of course Jews can be found within any race, white, black and Asian. Below are pictures of Jews who look pretty white to me –

Above is Sarah Michelle Gellar. What color would you say she is? Black? Middle Eastern? She looks as white as white can be. Lovely green eyes.

Above is the blue-eyed Gene Wilder, a famous comedian actor. He looks white to me.

Doris Roberts, best known for the mean mom from “Everyone Loves Raymond”. Looks like a typical old white woman to me. Unless I read her bio, I would have never guessed Jewish.

People like the Aryan Nations try to demonize Jews as sub-humans. Hitler did this, Martin Luther did this, as did Henry Ford. Jews are people just like you and me. They come from all backgrounds, poor, middle class and rich. They are white, black, Asian and every other color in between.